Exploring Lake Havasu’s Ecology: Kids’ Educational Boat Ride Aboard the Dixie Belle, Supported by Supercat Fest West

On a sunny morning at Lake Havasu on April 20th, children’s laughter filled the air as they took their first boat ride on the Dixie Belle. This memorable experience was made possible by Supercat Fest West, which sponsored the event to support Kids on the Colorado’s educational program. The initiative aims to teach local children about the lake’s ecology and history.

Excitement was clear among the young participants. “I’ve got kids asking questions, getting involved, and interacting,” said Dan Delasantos, president of Kids on the Colorado River. He noted surprising gaps in the children’s knowledge, which these programs aim to address. “We created the programs because we found out the kids didn’t know California is on the other side of the river, and they didn’t know that it was a reservation. They’ve never been on the water before, even though they were born and raised here.”

Community Support and Collaboration for the Kids

Thanks to sponsors like Supercat Fest West, children of Lake Havasu experienced the lake’s waters, sparking their curiosity and connection to the environment. The 9 am tour was designed for children with special needs, offering a safe and enriching outing. In contrast, the 1 pm tour was open to the general public. The Riviera provided safe docking and anchoring, while the Lake Havasu Boat Patrol ensured smooth sailing throughout.

Board member Jeanette Nangreeves volunteered at the event as a way to thank Supercat Fest West. “The sponsorship and support allowed us to expand and reach more kids,” she said. Reaching out to underprivileged youth in the community is essential, as many might not otherwise have these opportunities.

Looking Ahead: Community Day at Lake Havasu City Aquatic Center

Looking ahead, the Lake Havasu City Aquatic Center will host a Community Day on May 5. This event will offer children engaging activities for both summer and the school year. Local families are encouraged to attend, and businesses and nonprofits that serve youth are invited to collaborate with Kids on the Colorado for this special day.

Local Stevie Welte Qualifies to Represent the USA this year at the BMX World Championships 

At just 12 years old, Lake Havasu’s own Stevie Welte has secured a spot to represent the USA at this year’s BMX World Championships. Her journey is nothing short of inspiring. Despite her young age, Stevie has already etched her name in the annals of BMX history. By doing so, she is showcasing exceptional talent while balancing the demands of school, growing up, and her racing career.

Stevie’s journey into BMX racing

Stevie’s journey into BMX racing began riding a balance bike as young as two and a half years old. Then she graduating to a pedal bike by three and a half. Since then, her passion for the sport has only grown. Despite facing the obstacle of being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 7, Stevie has soared in the BMX world. She’s a four-time Arizona state champion, consistently placing in the top 10 in her district. Now, she’s earned her spot among the best in the world. Stevie’s next ambitious goal is to one day grace the Olympic stage.

Her father, Scott, reflects on Stevie’s journey with pride. He says, “We’re very proud of her for her dedication, whether it’s school or her cycling, when she gets her mind on something and has a goal she goes for it.”

Stevie’s path to success hasn’t been without challenges.. “Being a type 1 diabetic has been my biggest challenge,” she admits. “It’s tough because you have to balance your blood sugar when you’re racing, and it affects my performance.” Yet, Stevie’s determination shines through.  

She trains rigorously, riding over 10 miles three times a week. All the while, she prioritizes her education and maintains her spot on the honor roll at Calvary Christian Academy. Her advice to aspiring riders reflects her fearless attitude: “Try it. Don’t be scared too. Just be confident and tell yourself that you can do it, and don’t tell yourself, oh this is too hard or only the boys do it.” 

Stevie’s Support System

Behind Stevie’s success lies a network of support from her family, friends, and sponsors. From Fly racing, Good Team Bad Name (GTBN), ODI grips, Maxxis Tires, Cycle Therapy, Hero Ride Shop, and Beat the Heat, these sponsors have helped fuel her journey to the top. The community of Lake Havasu has rallied around her, with locals donating to fund her trip to the World Championships. 

As Stevie prepares to compete on the world stage, she carries with her not just the hopes of her town, but the dreams of a young girl who refused to let anything hold her back. From balancing her love of sport, school, and managing her diabetes, Stevie’s story is one of resilience. It’s also about determination and the power of chasing your dreams, no matter how big they may seem.

A Journey through the Lake Havasu City Renaissance Fair

The Lake Havasu City Renaissance Fair celebrates tradition and joy–drawing visitors from distant lands to experience its ageless charm. One cannot help but be enchanted by the palpable sense of camaraderie and joy that permeates the fairgrounds. Conversations with guests and families reveal a unanimous appreciation for the event’s inclusive atmosphere, where “societal norms are cast aside, and individuals get to embrace their true selves.” Everyone finds solace in allowing their inner child to run wild here, amid the fairgrounds, free from criticism or restraint.

Vendor Brian

From the thunderous spectacle of jousts to the mesmerizing artistry of juggling acts, from the precision of archery contests to the infectious energy of live entertainment, the fair offers an abundance of delights to enchant every soul. In addition to the myriad attractions, the fair tantalizes the taste buds with a diverse array of culinary delights. From hearty turkey legs to savory pies, and refreshing beverages to quench any thirst. Each attraction serves as a testament to the organizer Melinie Preston’s commitment to providing magical experiences that transport attendees to an era of merriment and laughter.

Fire show during the Fantasy Feast Masquerade Ball

When speaking among the vendors who grace the fair with their presence, such as Brain the Nomad emerges as a devoted supporter of the event’s magnetic charm. Having traversed the West Coast from Washington to Nevada, he expresses a profound affinity for Lake Havasu‘s
community, noting, “energetically, the people here are much different.” This sentiment underscores the unique vibrancy and warmth that permeate the air, drawing vendors and visitors alike to bask in Lake Havasu’s warm community. Additionally, other vendors praise the area’s amazing natural beauty as a “compelling reason for their recurring pilgrimage to this cherished

The Lake Havasu City Renaissance Faire transcends mere entertainment; it is a
celebration of unity, acceptance, and the enduring spirit of revelry and this community. As
attendees bid farewell to another unforgettable gathering, they carry with them cherished
memories and a renewed sense of kinship–eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this timeless
the saga of enchantment and wonder.

“Knights of mayhem joust  participants”